CEL-Seq workflow
Workflow for bioinformatic analysis of CEL-Seq data in the Griffith University High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster (Gowonda)
Based on the workflow from Carmel McDougall, with modifications by Tessa M. Page
License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
First-time Gowonda/HPC users (or for those that need a detailed refresher) start with the Beginners guide to Gowonda HPC.
1) Convert BCL to FASTQ
The Illumina NextSeq and HiSeq Sequencing Systems and NovaSeq 6000 generate raw data files in binary base call (BCL) sequence file format. If this is your case, you’ll have to convert it to FASTQ format, which is a text-based format similar to FASTA but it also includes quality scores.
After you’ve downloaded your raw sequencing file (or files), I recommend transferring it into a new folder in your scratch
, for example celseq_raw
(see “Beginners guide to Gowonda HPC” if you don’ know how to do this!).
Then unzip it with nohup tar -xopf your-seqdata-filename.tar &
, and a folder will appear with the same name as your file (if you are not familiar with nohup
, also check the “Beginners guide to Gowonda HPC”).
Now you need to run a scheduler script for the Illumina bcl2fastq conversion software, below is an example. I recommend creating a folder called fastq
before running the script, for your converted output files.
#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -M your_email_adress@griffith/griffithuni.edu.au
#PBS -N bcl2fastq
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=16:mem=64gb,walltime=100:00:00
source $HOME/.bashrc
module load anaconda3/2021.11
source activate labmcdougallRoot
bcl2fastq -r 4 -w 4 -p 14 --runfolder-dir ~/scratch/celseq_raw/your_folder_with_seq_data/ --output-dir ~/scratch/celseq_raw/fastq --minimum-trimmed-read-length 15
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